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Buah Naga

Buah naga atau yang dalam bahasa latin disebut dengan hylocereus polyrhizus adalah sejenis buah yang tumbuh dari sejenis tanaman kaktus dari marga hylocereus dan selenicereus. Buah naga berasal dari daerah Amerika Tengah, Amerika Selatan dan meksiko kemudian menyebar ke penjuru dunia salah satunya adalah Indonesia. Buah naga banyak di budidayakan di Negara-negara asia seperti Filipina, Vietnam, Taiwan dan alaysia. Selain itu buah naga juga banyak dijumpai di berbagai wilayah seperti Israel, Australia, Okinawa dan Cina. Buah naga dapat tumbuh subur di daerah yang memiliki iklim tropis, sub tropis bahkan iklim kering. Karena buah naga adalah tumbuhan sejenis kaktus, maka tanaman ini mampu hidup pada cuaca yang agak panas.

Kandungan Buah Naga

Saat ini buah naga telah dikenal ke seluruh dunia karena kandungan buah naga yang sangat baik bagi kesehatan. Buah naga memiliki kadar anti-oksidan yang tinggi sehingga mampu untuk menangkal radikal bebas. Buah naga memiliki rasa sedikit manis, tetapi buah ini memiliki kandungan Vitamin C yang sangat tinggi. Sehingga mampu meningkatkan daya tahan serta kekebalan tubuh dari serangan penyakit. Selai vitamin C, buah naga ternyta juga memiliki kandungan Vitamin B1 dan Vitamin B2 yang mampu meningkatkan metabolism serta nafsu makan. Buah naga juga mengandung berbagai mineral penting seperti potasium, serat, protein, ferum, sodium dan kalsium yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh.

Manfaat Buah Naga

Dengan kandunganya yang begitu luar biasa, buah nagatentu saja memiliki manfaat yang sangat banyak bagi tubuh manusia. Menurut penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para ilmuwan yang kompeten dibidangnya, buah naga memiliki khasiat untuk menagnkal radikal bebas karena mengandung zat anti-oksidan. Selain itu buah naga juga mampu menurunkan kolesterol dan meningkatkan metabolisme karena mengandung vitamin B1 dan vitamin B2. Buah naga juga berfungsi untuk menetralkan racun, menangkal kanker serta mengikat logam berat yang berbahaya bagi tubuh kita. Selain itu buah naga juga mampu memperkuat tulang serta gigi karena mengandung kalsium dan fosfor.

Tips Merawat Sepatu Casual

Bagi anda yang gemar mengoleksi sepatu casual atau yang lain, tak salah jika melakukan suatu cara berhubungan dengan sepatu. Kali ini saya akan berikan tips bagaimana menghilangkan bau tidak sedap di sepatu. Pastinya merasa jijik ketika mencium bau tak sedap yang ditimbulkan oleh sepatu casual anda. Orang-orang di sekitar pun juga ikut terganggu mencium aroma seperti itu . Ini bukan berati melecehkan tetapi benar karena ada orang yang memang mempunyai bau sepatu yang mengerikan. Dan banyak orang yang terganggu dengan bau sepatu tersebut, kadang kita pun menjadi tidak confiden dengan bau sepatu tersebut ketika harus melepasnya didepan umum. Kerena jika melepas didepan umum saat keadaan tertentu kita kadang tidak bisa menghindar.

Nah berikut tips menghilangkan bau busuk sepatu casual :
Baking soda merupakan zat penghilang bau dan tentunya bisa digunakan untuk mengatasi bau pada sepatu casual Anda. Caranya, taburkan baking soda ke dalam sepatu casual Anda pada malam hari. Biarkan selama satu malam. Pagi harinya, bersihkan baking soda tersebut. Bau pada sepatu casual Anda akan hilang. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa menaburkan bedak baby ke dalam sepatu casual anda.
Biarkan sepatu casual bernapas. Setelah dipakai, lepaskan tali sepatu Anda kemudian keluarkan alas sepatu casual. Letakkan di tempat yang terbuka. Angin akan membawa udara segar ke dalam dan sekaligus mengeringkan keringat. Selain itu, menggunakan kembali sepatu casual yang telah dianginkan akan membuat Anda merasa lebih nyaman.
Hindari menggunakan sepatu casual yang sama selama 2 hari berturut-turut.
Gunakan sol dalam sepatu casual. Sol ini bisa dilepaskan dan dipakai ulang. Dengan begitu lebih mudah dibersihkan.
Cucilah kaos kaki Anda dengan menggunakan produk-produk yang mengandung desinfektan. Ini bisa mencegah munculnya bau pada kaos kaki dan sepatu casual Anda. Selain itu, pastikan Anda memakai kaos kaki yang bersih setiap harinya.
Pastikan Anda mencuci dan mengeringkan kaki terlebih dahulu sebelum memakai sepatu casual.
Jika sepatu casual basah, letakkan di tempat terbuka. Jika hujan, pastikan dulu sepatu Anda kering sebelum meletakkannya di tempat sepatu casual atau sebelum memakainya kembali. Jika ada air di dalamnya, sepatu casual akan segera berbau busuk dalam jangka waktu kurang dari satu hari.
Pakailah antriprespiran pada kaki. Anda bisa menggunakan pelembab sebelum memakai sepatu casual, dengan begitu kaki tidak akan berkeringat dan tentunya mencegah bau yang tidak sedap.
Jangan lupa memakai kaos kaki, ini akan membantu menyerap keringat dan mencegah pertumbuhan bakteri di dalam sepatu casual.
Jangan lupa juga memelihara kaki Anda. Jika ada jamur, segera tangani. Penebalan kulit juga sering menahan bau keringat bahkan setelah mandi. Karena itu, gosoklah kaki secara perlahan dengan menggunakan batu apung. Hal ini bisa membantu mengangkat kulit tebal pada kaki.
Karena bau sebenarnya disebabkan oleh bakteri, Anda juga menghilangkan bau dengan menyemprotkan alkohol ke dalam sepatu casual.
Mungkin itu saja sedikit tips untuk merawat sepatu casual, sepatu pantofel atau yang lainnya…semoga bermanfaat.
Jika anda ingin memesan sepatu casual atau sepatu model lain yang murah bisa menghubungi 08562669009 a/n Redy

Best Buy Espressione Stainless Steel Electric Kettle On Cyber Monday Sale

Sale Espressione Stainless Steel Electric Kettle On Back Friday Deals

Best Cyber Monday Espressione Stainless Steel Electric Kettle Sales Cyber Monday Espressione Stainless Steel Electric Kettle . Cyber Monday Deal Nikon Espressione Stainless Steel Electric Kettle cheap price in Cyber Monday Sales 2011-2012

The Espressione Stainless Steel Electric Kettle from Espressione ,is model no.B003TJ9Z7S , for $79.49. (It's the first option.)Your can drop it to $79.99. With free shipping on orders of $25 or more(this item price $79.49).

The Espressione Stainless Steel Electric Kettle It's features

  • Measures 8-1/2-inch with the aid of 12-1/2-inch by way of 15-1/2-inch excessive, 1-year warranty
  • 360 Degree rotation base, cordless operation, chrome steel body
  • Light indicator, huge accu-spout for accurate pouring, large easy grab deal with, distinctive flip lid
  • 1500W heating with speedy boil gadget and large 1.7 water capacity
  • n/a on the instruction sheet it mentions to place integrated accessories right here, however there are no equipment incorporated with the kettle
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    Product By Espressione

    Ratting : Price List :$150.00

    Lowprice New :$79.49 In Stock 3 store

    Lowprice Use : 0 store

    Products Description

    Espressione Stainless Steel Electric Kettle cheap
    Measures 8-1/2-inch by 12-1/2-inch by way of 15-1/2-inch excessive, 1-year guarantee.360 Degree rotation base, cordless operation, stainless-steel body.Light indicator, huge accu-spout for accurate pouring, massive simple seize handle, unique flip lid.1500W heating with speedy boil machine and big 1.7 water capability.n/a on the guideline sheet it point outs to put included accessories here, however there are no equipment integrated with the kettle. Espressione Jug Kettle gives superior performance and provides fashion to your tea experience. Outfitted with a good looking brushed stainless-steel body, this up to date kettle comes with covetous design and different options. Espressione Jug Kettle sports activities a speedy boil machine with an impressive heating mechanism that's both safe and quiet in operation. The unique flip lid for single surpassed use offers visual effect from the excessiveest and allows straightforward refill performance. Wide accu-spout for straightforward filling and correct pouring. The 360 Degree rotation base and cordless operation, light indicator and big simple take hang of deal with all add to the performance, ease of use and protectedty of the Kettle. Brushed stainless-steel body..
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    The cheapest deal for Espressione Stainless Steel Electric Kettle.Smart deals and fast shipping.See Espressione Stainless Steel Electric Kettle now. Best Buy Now! Top Deal!. Buy It now On Back Friday Deals

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    Cheap Black & Decker CK1500R Cordless Electric 57-1/2-Ounce Dome Kettle, Red On Cyber Monday 2011-2012

    Cheap Black & Decker CK1500R Cordless Electric 57-1/2-Ounce Dome Kettle, Red On Back Friday 2011-2012

    Best Cyber Monday Black & Decker CK1500R Cordless Electric 57-1/2-Ounce Dome Kettle, Red Sales Cyber Monday Black & Decker CK1500R Cordless Electric 57-1/2-Ounce Dome Kettle, Red . Cyber Monday Deal Nikon Black & Decker CK1500R Cordless Electric 57-1/2-Ounce Dome Kettle, Red cheap price in Cyber Monday Sales 2011-2012

    The Black & Decker CK1500R Cordless Electric 57-1/2-Ounce Dome Kettle, Red from Black & Decker ,is model no.B001BOIIM6 , for $29.95. (It's the first option.)Your can drop it to $29.95. With free shipping on orders of $25 or more(this item price $29.95).

    The Black & Decker CK1500R Cordless Electric 57-1/2-Ounce Dome Kettle, Red It's features

  • Concealed heating element; built-in scale filter; dual water-level windows
  • Measures roughly eight by means of 8 by means of 11-1/2-inch; 1-year limited warranty.
  • 1500-Watt electrical kettle speedy boils up to 57-1/2-ounce of water
  • On indicator light; automatic shut-off switch; boil-dry safety for safety
  • Cordless design; 360-degree swivel base with cool-touch bottom
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    Product By Black & Decker

    Ratting : Price List :$59.99

    Lowprice New :$29.95 In Stock 2 store

    Lowprice Use : 0 store

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    Products Description

    where can you buy Black & Decker CK1500R Cordless Electric 57-1/2-Ounce Dome Kettle, Red
    Concealed heating component; built-in scale filter; dual water-level home windows.Measures roughly 8 by using 8 by means of 11-1/2-inch; 1-year restricted warranty..1500-Watt electric kettle quickly boils up to 57-1/2-ounce of water.On indicator mild; automatic shut-off swap; boil-dry protection for security.Cordless design; 360-degree swivel base with cool-touch bottom. With 1500 watts of energy, this electrical kettle boils as much as 57-1/2 oz. of water quick and easily, producing sizzling water for tea, scorching chocolate, fast soup, and more in half the time of a microwave oven. Its cordless design permits for lifting the kettle off its base for more advantageous mobility or serving friends on the table. In addition, the 360-degree swivel base make certains relief for each right- and left-handed customers, and its cool-touch bottom won?t mar surfaces. A power "on" indicator light and an computerized shut-off change with boil-dry safety be sure that introduced safety. The unit additionally provides a concealed heating element that averts corrosion and a built-in scale filter to catch mineral deposits for better tasting water. Other highlights embody a generous stay-cool handle, a drip-free spout for graceful pouring, and dual water-level home windows that exhibit how so much water remains within the kettle. With its smooth stainless-steel design, the electricalal kettle measures approximately 8 via eight by way of 11-1/2 inches and consists of a one-year restricted warranty..
    Black & Decker CK1500R Cordless Electric 57-1/2-Ounce Dome Kettle, Red.The best selection and free shipping.See Black & Decker CK1500R Cordless Electric 57-1/2-Ounce Dome Kettle, Red now. Best Price 2011-2012 . On Deals Backfriday 2011-2012.

    Do you want Black & Decker CK1500R Cordless Electric 57-1/2-Ounce Dome Kettle, Red with Best Prices? Get now! . We have spacial low price for Black & Decker CK1500R Cordless Electric 57-1/2-Ounce Dome Kettle, Red. Read many useful reviews and Prices Comparision with limited time offer. You will recieve a discount rate Or Fast Shipping for Black & Decker CK1500R Cordless Electric 57-1/2-Ounce Dome Kettle, Red. Buy It now On Back Friday 2011-2012

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    OnSale Brentwood 1.2 Liter Stainless Steel Tea Kettle Model KT-1770 On Cyber Monday 2011-2012 Sale

    For Sale Brentwood 1.2 Liter Stainless Steel Tea Kettle Model KT-1770 On Cyber Monday

    Best Cyber Monday Brentwood 1.2 Liter Stainless Steel Tea Kettle Model KT-1770 Sales Cyber Monday Brentwood 1.2 Liter Stainless Steel Tea Kettle Model KT-1770 . Cyber Monday Deal Nikon Brentwood 1.2 Liter Stainless Steel Tea Kettle Model KT-1770 cheap price in Cyber Monday Sales 2011-2012

    The Brentwood 1.2 Liter Stainless Steel Tea Kettle Model KT-1770 from Brentwood ,is model no.B003YJB3DW , for $23.97. (It's the first option.)Your can drop it to $23.97. With free shipping on orders of $25 or more(this item price $23.97).

    The Brentwood 1.2 Liter Stainless Steel Tea Kettle Model KT-1770 It's features

  • Auto Shut Off when Boiling or Dry
  • Kettle Lifts Off Base for Cord-Free Use
  • Brushed Stainless Steel Finish
  • 1.2 Liter Capacity
  • 1,000 Watts
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    Product By Brentwood

    Ratting : Price List :

    Lowprice New :$23.97 In Stock 1 store

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    Products Description

    Brentwood 1.2 Liter Stainless Steel Tea Kettle Model KT-1770 on amazon
    Auto Shut Off when Boiling or Dry.Kettle Lifts Off Base for Cord-Free Use.Brushed Stainless Steel Finish.1.2 Liter Capacity.1,000 Watts. * 1,000 Watts * Brushed Stainless Steel Finish * 1..
    The cheapest deal for Brentwood 1.2 Liter Stainless Steel Tea Kettle Model KT-1770.See our great selection and fast shipping.Top Shop on Brentwood 1.2 Liter Stainless Steel Tea Kettle Model KT-1770 now. Best Price Guarantee! 2011-2012 Top Deal!. On Back Friday.

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    OnSale Hamilton Beach 40886 Stainless Steel Electric Cordless Kettle On Back Friday

    Cheap Hamilton Beach 40886 Stainless Steel Electric Cordless Kettle On Deals Backfriday 2011-2012

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    The Hamilton Beach 40886 Stainless Steel Electric Cordless Kettle from Hamilton Beach ,is model no.B0000W4N06 , for $28.45. (It's the first option.)Your can drop it to $38.22. With free shipping on orders of $25 or more(this item price $28.45).

    The Hamilton Beach 40886 Stainless Steel Electric Cordless Kettle It's features

  • Convenient water level window; 2-year warranty
  • Drip-free spout; anti-scale mesh filter
  • 1.7-liter kettle with powerful 1,500-watt heating component for rapid boiling
  • Auto shutoff with boil-dry protection for safety
  • Cord-free kettle rotates 360 degrees, easily removes from base
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    Product By Hamilton Beach

    Ratting : Price List :$59.99

    Lowprice New :$28.45 In Stock 7 store

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    Products Description

    Hamilton Beach 40886 Stainless Steel Electric Cordless Kettle reviews
    Convenient water stage window; 2-year guarantee.Drip-free spout; anti-scale mesh filter.1.7-liter kettle with powerful 1,500-watt heating part for speedy boiling.Auto shutoff with boil-dry protection for security.Cord-free kettle rotates 360 levels, easily eliminates from base. This electric kettle warmths as a lot as 1.7 liters of water for espresso, tea, or instant soup without requiring the utilization of a stove. The round plastic base plugs into any standard outlet and gets water boiling in no time with its 1,500 watts of energy. When water has boiled, a security mechanism flips the unit off and forestalls the kettle from boiling dry. For simple lifting and serving, the kettle rotates 360 levels on the base and go back and forths cord-free from counter to table for pouring. While the kettle's brushed stainless-steel exterior gets extremely popular throughout boiling, the plastic handle and knob on the removable lid defend against burns by using staying cool. A drip-free spout keeps water from splashing and scalding and an anti-scale mesh filter traps lime and calcium particles (found in arduous water) ahead of they prove in a teacup. A clear water-level window with no trouble presentations how so much water is left within the kettle. For long-term performance, the kettle's heating element is concealed, which preserves mineral deposits to a minimal and makes cleaning more uncomplicated. Hamilton Beach warrants this product for two yrs from the date of buy..
    The Least Expensive Hamilton Beach 40886 Stainless Steel Electric Cordless Kettle.See our great selection and free shipping.Buy on Hamilton Beach 40886 Stainless Steel Electric Cordless Kettle now. Cheap Price Limit time Deal!. On Back Friday Deals.

    The cheapest deal for Hamilton Beach 40886 Stainless Steel Electric Cordless Kettle.The best selection and free shipping.Best Shop on Hamilton Beach 40886 Stainless Steel Electric Cordless Kettle now. Best Price Now! Top Deal!. Buy It now On Back Friday

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    Krups XP1500 Coffee and Espresso Combination Machine, Black

    Sale Krups XP1500 Coffee and Espresso Combination Machine, Black

    Krups XP1500 Coffee and Espresso Combination Machine, Black Feature

    Krups XP1500 Coffee and Espresso Combination Machine, Black
  • Water-level indicator; swing-out filter holder; brew pause; nonstick warming tray
  • 4-cup glass carafe with handle; steam nozzle; removable drip tray with stainless steel grid
  • Simple-to-use controls; illuminated on/off switch; convenient coffee scoop included
  • Measures 14-3/4 by 12-1/4 by 13-1/2 inches; 1-year limited warranty
  • Combination unit with 4-bar steam espresso machine and 10-cup coffeemaker

  • Click Here To See Full Product Information.

    Products Description

    Water-level indicator; swing-out filter holder; brew pause; nonstick warming tray.4-cup glass carafe with handle; steam nozzle; removable drip tray with stainless steel grid.Simple-to-use controls; illuminated on/off switch; convenient coffee scoop included.Measures 14-3/4 by 12-1/4 by 13-1/2 inches; 1-year limited warranty.Combination unit with 4-bar steam espresso machine and 10-cup coffeemaker. Passion. Precision. Perfection. The Krups heritage of German engineered coffee machines and food preparation appliances provides clear functional, rigorous design at the highest level of technical perfection, performance and quality. Working with leading European designers, the product series also represents the newest European designs yet maintains the rigorous and clearly functional characteristics synonymous with Krups products. Designed and built for those who continuously seek out new gourmet experiences and take pleasure in discovering and understanding how things are done well, the Krups range provides the tools that deliver genuine results, performance and taste. Inspired by experts and demanding consumers with uncompromising standards of performance, the new Krups series has been built with three key attributes in mind: Passion, Precision and Perfection. The Krups XP1500 Steam Combi Machine has a 10 cup coffee maker and a 4 bar steam espresso machine. Easy to use, the water level indicator clearly shows how much water is in the tank and it has a convenient steam nozzle for easy frothing of milk on the espresso side.

    More Information! Krups XP1500 Coffee and Espresso Combination Machine, Black

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